Gases in the intestines are formed due to ingestion of air, as well as during food processing. Normally, about 200 ml of gas is present in the human intestine, and about 20 liters are circulated per day. Gases are removed from the body through the rectum or with burping. The excretion of gases can be hindered by high fecal density, intestinal cramps.
Flatulence (bloating) can occur in healthy people, as well as be a sign of a disease.
The causes of bloating in healthy people are:
- Fast food or food on the go, talking while eating and, as a result, swallowing air;
- The abuse of carbonated drinks;
- Improper nutrition – the consumption of products that contribute to gas formation (beer, kvass, champagne), sweets, pastries, legumes, as well as vegetables and fruits that contain a large amount of fiber. These products enhance the fermentation processes in the intestine, resulting in a large amount of gas.
- Bloating is one of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and is also common during pregnancy due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the abdominal organs.
Diseases or pathological conditions in which bloating is observed include:
- Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis, colitis);
- Irritable bowel syndrome;
- Cholecystitis;
- Pancreatitis
- Digestive enzyme deficiency;
- Constant bloating may be associated with any mechanical obstruction to the normal passage of gases (adhesions, tumors, helminth infasia, etc.);
- Violation of intestinal motility, which can develop as a result of circulatory disorders or intoxication;
- Intolerance to milk and dairy products due to a deficiency of the lactase enzyme that breaks down carbohydrate lactose;
- Celiac disease – a disease associated with intolerance to gluten – a protein found in cereals;
- Bloating can be neurogenic and can occur in case of neurosis, depression, stress.
Gassing Products
To eliminate bloating caused by errors in the diet, it is enough to adjust the diet. Products that cause increased gas formation include:
- Milk and dairy products;
- Legumes – beans, peas, lentils;
- Cereals – corn, wheat germ, bran;
- Fiber-rich foods – cabbage, carrots, radishes, etc.
- Dough products – rolls, bagels, pizza, etc.
Gas treatment
Treatment of gas formation should be aimed at eliminating the cause of it. Do not ignore this symptom. If you experience periodic bloating, you should consult a doctor.
Treatment of bloating should be comprehensive and aimed primarily at the disease, of which it is a symptom. In order to reduce gas production, the doctor may prescribe medications which are available at local compounding pharmacy near me when searched on Google:
- Sorbents – activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta, newmectin. These drugs absorb toxins released during poisoning, intestinal infections, as well as helminth invasions;
- Defoamers – for example, espumisan. Bubbles of gas in the intestines form a foam. Espumisan destroys gas bubbles, and the released gases are either absorbed by the intestinal wall or excreted;
- Enzyme preparations – mezim, creon, festal. These drugs are prescribed by a doctor if enzyme deficiency is detected.
- Probiotics are preparations containing bacteria that make up the normal intestinal microflora (bifiform, bifidumbacterin, bificol, etc.). Appointed with dysbiosis.
Folk remedies
In addition to traditional medicines, there are traditional medicines that will help eliminate the symptoms of flatulence. These remedies are based on herbal medicine:
- A decoction of dill seeds;
- Carminative tea from fennel fruits, rhizomes of valerian and mint leaves;
- Ground caraway drink.
What to do with increased gas formation?
If increased gas formation is not associated with any disease, motor activities can help – walking, special exercises to strengthen the abs, and massage the abdomen. If the cause of bloating is a violation of the diet, it is necessary to remove from the diet milk and dairy products, legumes, sodas, foods rich in fiber. It is important to adhere to a 5-6-fold diet, including diet foods in the menu – dairy products, low-fat meat, light cereals.
Prevention of increased gas formation is primarily in compliance with the diet. It is not recommended to abuse carbonated drinks, beer, kvass, etc. It is important to lead an active lifestyle, to do simple physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal press. Include easily digestible and dietary foods in the diet. If you experience symptoms of increased gas formation, consult a doctor in a timely manner.